Tuesday, October 16, 2012


You told me of your travels
How you had felt there, alone
The nights were dark and hot
Full of stars and melting candles
Wine and figs and conversation
Endless thoughts mingled with smoke
And your hands could not be still
You wanted to touch those minds

You told me of your travels
The sea cooled your unrest
Soothed the passion in your body
You saw colours you'd never seen
Eyes you never imagined existed
Hope, despair, and a will to continue
Underneath the wandering sun

You told me of your travels
Long days in the desert sand
Nights drowned by moonlight
Listening to those harsh voices
Sharing their endless pain
Becoming part of their conflict
Willing the wine to bring slumber

Your told me of your travels
You wanted to share your growth
And you wouldn't let me sleep
Pacing the room all night long
Throwing up your hands in wonder
Your hard legs striding, striding
Your black hair bright with perspiration