Thursday, May 28, 2009


Another bleary eyed morning. Went to bed late because I was enjoying the peace after I put Raquel to bed, and here we are, at six o'clock in the morning...It is great to get all the comments on Facebook. Thanks, everyone! I was reminded of my (business) trip to Turkey this morning when I was talking to my father. I fell in love with Istanbul. I must have been about 27 at the time. I found the people to be unbelievably friendly and hospitable. The traffic was insane though. We were going down a one way street at one point only to be nearly annihilated by another car coming towards us at top speed IN REVERSE! I also remember the food being delicious and watching belly dancers at a restaurant with truly spectacular views of the city, the Galata Tower. Then we went gambling one night in a rather seedy casino and I remember winning although I have no idea how much because I wasn't familiar with the currency at all. Good times!

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