Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The day I started my blog

The babysitter is here so that I can work on my book (working title "Torero") but my daughter Raquel is tired and is not playing nice. She keeps screaming at her poor babysitter whose style must be cramped by the fact that both my husband and I are home. The latter is watching the Champions league so I thought this might be a good time to start a blog - can't really concentrate on my story. Plus I've just hit an awkward part: the bullfight. How much of it should I describe? I want to draw people into the experience but I am afraid to bore them. A dilemma.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats !

    I was thinking of starting a blog about the trials and tribulations of writing but I'm not sure anyone would read it. Lots of luck !

    Have you heard of these writer's centers? I belong to one in New York, it's where I do all my writing and it's where I am now.

    It's like an oasis of calm in the middle of a crazy city and there are tons of other serious writers.

    It's really a great way to work.

    xx Kyra
