Sunday, June 28, 2009

2 Tishrei 5757

Your name wanders like a wolf

Through the deserts of my mind

Memories of heat and of spices

Intensify the touch of your lips

Like a flame in a rain storm.

You stand above the esplanade

And when you turn to me

Your eyes are like stars

Which illuminate the depths

Of my heart and my soul.

In the market all was colour

All was noise and smells

Incense and honey and apples

A new year ahead

Waiting to be discovered.

Through arches of stone

Through tunnels of blossoms

Dust clinging to our legs

Cool walls shielding us

Distant wails inspiring faith.

Twilight falls at Jaffa Gate

The Citadel is bathed in gold

And your eyes reflect the sun

Your hands against the wall

You murmur a blessing.

The music of the cicadas

Rises from the bushes

As you turn to take my hand

Faith and love, you and me

The eternal treasure of hope.

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