Monday, June 22, 2009

Writer's block

For some reason reality has intruded and I have lost the flow of my story. I am hopeful that it is temporary but I am totally uninspired right now! Lauren, the babysitter, was here for three hours and I thought that would give me the chance to get back into but instead I posted photos on Facebook. Shame on me. I am feeling restless and worried and unable to lose myself in fantasy, which is a disaster as far as writing is concerned. It is such a strange and complete change: I feel no connection to my story whereas before it was always in my mind, like a film playing constantly.

I think one of the things interfering with my thought process is the fact that I have lost some work and am worrying about money. That really interferes with the creative process. I have also reached a transitory stage in the story which I am not relishing. I should probably just pick it up somewhere else and worry about filling in the missing pieces later.

On a happier note I spoke to my brother Jov today and that made me happy. It's his birthday tomorrow and was his son Yotam's fifth birthday yesterday. I haven't seen him since he was three months old, and yet it seems like only yesterday.

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