Sunday, June 21, 2009

Latest news from our home

Father's day is almost over and we have had a nice quiet day. Raquel is so much fun to be around, with all her questions and insight. We had a pancake breakfast and then, because it was raining (surprise, surprise) took her to an indoor playground. She had a lot of fun running around with the other children. I love watching her interact with other children. She is definitely a leader. Last night we had dinner at Terri, Bruce and Jack's house and it never ceases to amaze me how well Raquel and Jack play together. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that Jack is very non-confrontational and easy to get along with, but they also seem to have a special understanding. Raquel played the piano for us, banging away quite gently, wiggling her bum and singing "The Farmer in the Dell".

On another note, I am reading "Little Money Street" by Fernanda Eberstadt, which is about gypsy musicians in Perpignan. Fascinating stuff!

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