Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Given Hope

Golden sunshine, falling water;

Nothing can surprise me now.

Nothing short of something:

Keep away those silver threads,

The ones that capture and entwine.

Becasuse ultimately they fade,

Holding in their grip only skin.

The laughing mouth, the smiling eyes,

They are lost on me as treasure is.

It means nothing anymore,

The way clouds race through blue,

The way stones roll silently

Down the path that breathes only mud.

Living only for tomorrow, let it continue;

But wanting today it must die.

Calmer than yesterday the moon sighs,

Its aura shivering with weariness.

The wall leans slightly south-east,

Trying to reach the warmth it yearns.

A pain, a pang of selfish pity, tears.

Laughter hides so much:

Behind a veil of shining eyes,

Lies a deep dullness.

Listening helps not at all;

There's nothing left to hear -

And yet the sunshine remains golden,

The water continues, silently, to fall.

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