Sunday, June 7, 2009


Music is my biggest muse, my biggest inspiration. "Bring Me Comfort" could not have been written without Ethnix, an Israeli pop band. For "Torero" my soundtrack has mostly been provided by Chiquetete, although I musn't forget to mention El Ultimo de La Fila and Manolo Garcia whose songs are pure poetry. I also have to choose the books I read while I am writing with care, otherwise I am in danger of breaking my creative flow. I find that books that talk about Spain, or bullfighting or both are good, as are some chick lit books (just finished Madeleine Wickham's The Gatecrasher).
Unfortuantely I haven't done much writing these last three days. Friday I was exhausted and got home late; yesterday Oscar, Raquel and I went to the Children's Museum in Dover and today to Planet Playground in Exeter. It can be difficult some times, and frustrating, but I am not complaining! It was a delight to meet our neighbour's little baby Sara today. I had forgotten how tiny newborns are. Tomorrow Kochavim preschool is having a Father's Day celebration, "Doughnuts with Dads" so Oscar is taking Raquel to school. She has to bring her tricycle because someone from the police department is coming to talk to them about transportation safety. Next week school will be out for the summer...

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